Sunday, June 29, 2008

Vintage Skipper Wars

Maggy, in vintage Skipper Cookie Time looks rather aghast that Jolene would dare put on vintage also. But, she couldn't resist. This vintage Francie Side Kick dress just arrive today and it was perfect with her navy re-ment dress shoes. Both girls are gearing up for the 4th of July I guess. Check out my bang-up sale on This is Blythe forum. There's still bargains, even on vintage here and here No fighting, girls.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time for a Change of Clothes, That's All

The slumber party-that-would-never-end finally did, so everyone had to get dress. Violet and Maggy chose vintage Skipper: Lots of Lace and Cookie Time. Gwynyth wanted to channel Marie Antoinette while Olivia was channeling either Fruit Punch or Aunt Blabby. Then there's Zena, ah Zena, the Art-Blythe. She concocted a most interesting outfit from Sugarmag, Louos Loves, Converse from Blythe Kingdom and more. But, what are ya gonna do with a blue-haired gal?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lots of Blythe Clothes for Sale on TIB, See also me sets on Flickr

And now a word from our sponsor....(that's me). I did my first closet clean-out as the Blythe people call it on This is Blythe (TIB) forum. Here's my items for sale and one picture here to tempt you. Please respond through TIB or Flickr. or

Blythe Brings Out the Nicest People!

It has been awhile since I received these adorable pencil/charcoal sketches of (L-R) Lilly, Violet, Maggy and Jolene from the sweet Lindsey of ElleWoods2007 on Flickr Not only is she talented this way, but she is also an interior designer and a lover of her own B lythes, which she cleverly positions in her inimitable "Blythe Opera" series of photos, featuring the also inimitable Claudette, a Darling Diva in more ways than one. We've become swap friends, Blythe and Flickr and art friends, and hopefully, we will meet someday. Meanwhile, check out her great photos.
I finally found some perfect little frames for my office/Blythe room so I can enjoy these! And if, like me, you like to combine Blythe with art, check out Arte du Blythe on Yahoo!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun Blythe Swappin' Happening Here

I'm hosting-or I should say coordinating- a fun Blythe goodies swap in honor of both summertime and back-to-school, since they seem to happen almost simultaneously these days. This active group of more than 150 Blythe lovers and collectors in North America is always welcoming new members on Flickr Join the group, and join the swap by June 30. Swap goods should be sent out by Aug. 15. We will use Elfster to keep us organized. I love the digital age!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Vision of Springtime

Lilly, in vintage Francie tent dress, prepares to go out and do a little gardening. She has her re-ment gardening tote and tools and a wagon full of pansies and root vegetables as well as a crate of lemons. Once outside, she inspects the morning glory vine. The first purple flower is opening just above her head, and soon the deck will be a riot of color. Her dress is a riot of color from 1965, with matching vintage pumps in an institutional green. An underskirt helps the tent dress do its job, and a shrug and crocheted hat complete the vision.

What's Better Than a Good, OId-Fashioned Slumber Party? Not Much!

When Olivia Elaia Rose London (GR) returned home from a week at Auntie Angela's, the girls were so happy to see her they decided to hold a pajama party to take in all the gossip from Angela's fab Blythe quarters. Maggy (ADG PP#3), in pink pajamas and stuffed monkey by Angela seemed especially aghast to learn there was a BOY in the Blythe midst, the swarthy Arturo. Meanwhile Zena, a custom blue mohair and Violet (FT) in her vintage Skipper pj's, are all ears. The girls got out their pizza, popcorn, boom box (okay, they really wanted I-pods), Magic 8 date ball from Shershe and copies of Blythe Bliss magazine, for a total slumber party extraordinaire.
Gwynyth (ADG PWP) thought they were being immature and silly, so she put on her old cheerleading uniform (re-ment), which was not immature at all, and praticed some of her former high school maneuvers. Looks like she can still do the splits, cartwheels and back walk-overs. Good for her!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Went to Battle Creek, But Not for Cereal!

Big adventure was had by all, well almost all of the girls as we made a road trip to 'Auntie Angela's for the Michigan Blythe Meet from the TIB Forum Angela was just as nice as we imagined, and her house and studio are a playhouse. The library! The pool! The theatre! The studio! I could gush for hours.
There were nine crazy women and 50 Blythes present, plus the assorted family members and one Oscar the Pug for good measure as well as Lati, Momoko, Dal, Sonny Angels, Petites and who knows what else.
We had such fun swapping and selling our Blythe goodies and also gift-swapping and eating some great food. Here's just a few pics from the adventures. From top to bottom: Gwynyth stayed home but got the Vintage Skipper Town Togs in the mail. 2. Zena (custom mohair) was a hit. She is unwinding from the trip with the latest issue of Blythe Bliss. We got her shadowbox and trinkets from the Pretty Placings Re-Ment set (seen in background) at the meet. 3. Hitting the road. 4. Photo shoot- 48 girls and two boys. 5. Auntie Angela's Dainty Biscuit Madison came home for the week to play and be Marie Antoinette for awhile. 6. Lilly in her very BoHo outfit made by Angela. 7. Violet in her H Loves R dress and hat we got at the meet from MandieLynn.
I think everyone had a great time. We're already talking about doing it again.