Thursday, May 27, 2010
A Blythe Meet of Gigantic Proportions
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Daisy gets the big head after cover appearance on Lucky Blythe
The prettiest girlz in the world
I might be biased, but here are some of the prettiest Blythe girlz in the whole wide world. Charlotte, top, models the lovely statement necklace we received from Auntie Bryanna. Fawn, in her red Sally Jessy glasses, belongs to Aunt Maggie, but came for a recent visit. Molly models a darling Nippy Cat outfit that Auntie Iveta sent home with us, and Charlotte wears a vintage hanky dress with crocheted bodice that we swapped Aunt Maggie for. Same with the pink and grey NippyCat outfit on Joey. And the sweet sucker you can barely see is another treat from Bryanna. Some of the girls have their Lucky Blythe magazine and pen in hand, as Daisy has scheduled a "practice" autograph session at Blythe Manor.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Updates from Blythe Manor
The dollhouse is nearly done. I just recently realized I haven't taken a single picture of a Blythe in the house! Must do that. I guess now I will wait until it is done. That top space is already wallpapered and partially filled. In fact the picture of Angela's Nikki cat on the computer was taken in that square.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Cover Girl
Thanks to Confettilexi and Lucky Blythe Publishing for choosing Daisy as the April cover girl. We are excited and grateful! P.S. Get my girl an agent! Here is the link to get this and other excellent Blythe mini-mags.
Here is the link to the Lucky Blythe Publishing Flickr group. Daisy is a custom Takara by RuiRui on Flickr or Neroli on Ebay. I am very thrilled with Daisy.
RuiRui is in Tokyo and has perfect feedback on her customs. I give Confettilexi a perfect 100% on her publishing!
Thanks to Confettilexi and Lucky Blythe Publishing for choosing Daisy as the April cover girl. We are excited and grateful! P.S. Get my girl an agent! Here is the link to get this and other excellent Blythe mini-mags.
Here is the link to the Lucky Blythe Publishing Flickr group. Daisy is a custom Takara by RuiRui on Flickr or Neroli on Ebay. I am very thrilled with Daisy.
RuiRui is in Tokyo and has perfect feedback on her customs. I give Confettilexi a perfect 100% on her publishing!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
DC Blythe Meet
It was a great Blythe meet May 3 at the Washington, D.C., Marriott. We attracted a lot of attention, especially during the fire alarm! That's a whole 'nother story.
Meanwhile, everyone present and accounted for:
Back row: Cherry Cat, Joey, Margaret, Floss, Verde, Faith (Kenner), Apple, Wendy Dreary, Virginia, Miss Esmerelda, Daisy, Ash, Ophelia, Anika, Holly Woods, Imma, Tallulah, Coco Kitty and Georgia Peach.
Front row: little pink girl, Ophelia Miss Piggy, Francine, Kermit, Buttercup, Finally, Poe, Whoopie (Strawberry Shortcake), Petena, Happy (Dwarf), Louise, Needs Name, Alice Snow, Molly, Taina', Abby, Lilly.
As far as "big people" the meet was attended by Maggie (momoko_girl_1), Angela (Gemini Angel's Art and Dolls), Theo (Sweets415), Samara (S.F.K.) and me. A good time was had by all.