Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Updates from Blythe Manor

The dollhouse is nearly done. I just recently realized I haven't taken a single picture of a Blythe in the house! Must do that. I guess now I will wait until it is done. That top space is already wallpapered and partially filled. In fact the picture of Angela's Nikki cat on the computer was taken in that square.
The three "Charlie's Angels," "MerAngels" or "MerBlytheAngels" feature Maggie's visiting Verde from left and then my Virginia and Charlotte, all customs, although one can still tell Charlotte is an Urban Cowgirl, which is fine. The mermaid outfits are pieces I snagged on Plastic Paradise, and then I made the tops on Verde and Virginia with Blythe stock bras and sticky rhinestones. Photo fun!
As you can see Cherry Cat was caught at the computer late at night. Not sure what she is up to, but I am sending her home to mama! Those little plastic/rubber cats are amazingly expensive- many are well over $100! At Wal-Mart, they would be $3 in the dog toy or baby toy aisle. I am not panning Angela's cat; in fact, I love these Nikki cats by Odecco/PetWorks. I am just amazed at their collectibility because they are the size and material of a rubber squeak toy! Squeak! Eek!
My new Ashton Drake Pow Wow Poncho Blythe arrived, replacing the Gwynyth I used to have. She really is very pretty. I added eyelashes and all new chips: brown, blue, pink/clear and purple/green. Here she models a tagged vintage Skipper dress. I am still considering names and welcome opinions: Gwynyth II, Bitsy, Blondie, Muffy, Barbie, Lindsay, Elle.

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